SQL Reporting Services - Viewer broken in Non-IE Browsers: FIX

Download Source SSRS Browser Fix Installer A while back I was tasked with getting SQL Reporting Services reports rendering in MVC while deployed on the Cloud with Windows Azure, and the reports must render in IE, Firefox and Safari. The scenario is somewhat similar to trying to ride a bicycle backwards while chewing bubble gum and reciting the last 18 pages of the 2nd volume of War and Peace... in Russian. I was eventually able to complete the task, though it was not without much hair pulling and profanity. That solution involved using local reports, an embedded Report Viewer control, and a custom state manager (I may blog about that later if there is any interest). Fast forward to my current project, and Lo And Behold there is a requirement for a cross browser reporting solution using SSRS (though thankfully this time sans Azure). The difference here is we are able to use the SSRS Reporting Server's Report Viewer as opposed to embedding our own. Ho...