Dynamics AX - Enumerate subclasses of a specific class
A colleague of mine recently asked me if there was a quick way to find all of the classes that extend a certain base class. "But of course there is!" I said. Here is the code block I sent him, should you, dear reader, need to accomplish a similar task. static void getSubclasses() { List subclassList; ListEnumerator listEnumerator; SysDictClass dictClass; dictClass = new SysDictClass(classNum(ExchangeRateProvider)); //Your class here subclassList = dictClass.extendedBy(); if (subclassList.elements()) { listEnumerator = subclassList.getEnumerator(); setprefix(strfmt("%1 is extended by %2 subclasses", dictClass.name(), int2str(subclassList.elements()))); while (listEnumerator.moveNext()) ...